Kitten week

Kittens At Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic

Kitten Vaccination week at Ellerslie Vet Clinic with gorgeous Mika & Piper, Ollie and Bella. As they are looking with big bright eyes into their future we will make sure they will have a healthy start into their lives.

We make sure that your kitten is receiving effective health care through vaccination, parasite treatment and prevention and balanced nutrition. During the initial exam we check your cat babies thoroughly from head to toe for any present medical problems, but also take extra time to check for congenital diseases.

We also make sure that your cat is free from external or internal parasites like fleas, mites or different types of worms. Doing so is not only for the good of your kitten. It is also very important for your family as parasites can be transmitted to other pets in your household and some can even be passed on to humans.

We also vaccinate your fur ball depending on its age and risk exposure to prevent your cat from infections. And finally we certainly will have a chat about spaying or neutering your kitten and about getting him or her microchipped. Spaying or neutering your kitty is not only the right thing to do in order to help with the overpopulation problem, it has health and behavioral benefits as well.

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