Ellerslie Vet Clinic

Emergency Info

Standard Hours Emergency:
In the event of an emergency during clinic hours, please call ahead at (09) 281 3 481 and proceed directly to Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic.
We are open from 7.30 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays, and from 9 am to 12 pm on Saturday.

After Hours Emergency:
For after hour emergencies, please call the VS A&E Emergency Veterinary Care on (09) 320 5645.

Potential Pet Poising

In case of a potential pet poising please call us during our opening times or afterhours services. Focusing on dogs, cats, horses, and birds, we think the American ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) free mobile App is very helpful for owners to quickly identify over 300 potential everyday hazards and provides crucial information about the severity of the problem and critical next steps.
Information found in the app comes from the expert veterinary staff at APCC, which has handled over 2.5 million cases of pets exposed to potentially toxic substances.

Please find Link to the App here:

Chocolate Ingestion

We find this tool useful for you to assess if we should see your dog in the case of chocolate ingestion:


For pets needing emergency care when we are closed, please call:

VS A&E Emergency Veterinary Care

1 Te Apunga Place
Sylvia Park
Email: emergency@vsnz.co.nz
Phone : (09) 320 5645

Animal Emergency Centre

97 Carrington Road
Mt Albert
Phone: (09) 849 2121

Western After Hours Vet

2/348 Rosebank Road
Phone: (09) 820 7273

North Shore After Hours Vet

2/96 Ellice Rd
North Shore
Phone: (09) 443 5640

Ellerslie Vet Clinic

+ ER

(09) 281 3 481

In the event of an emergency during clinic hours, please call on above contact and proceed directly to Ellerslie Veterinary Clinic.

(09) 281 3 481

For after hour emergencies, please call the VS A&E Emergency Veterinary Care on